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Saturday August 1, 2009 --   It was such a huge success, we're devoted an entire page to pictures of this grand event.  CLICK  HERE FOR  FULL COVERAGE OF GALA  


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May 14, 2009 -- A Media Day was held where Gov. Bill Ritter and Bill Howard,  track designer (RMVR) perform a ceremonial ribbon cutting. A great day for Colorado and amateur motorsports racing.. The following weekend (May 16-17) RMVR held their inaugural HPR Event. which hosted the largest HPR entry list to date --- 190+ entrants.  And the weather was fantastic. A closer aerial view of the paddock during RMVR's event.   With little effort the paddock could easily host 250 entrants.


Most of us are long-familiar with Rupert's photographic work over the years. Visit his commercial website for photos available for either viewing or purchasing his photos.   Here's a sample:

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John Waugh, professional photographer, has created a web page to post photos of the HPR inaugural season.  For starters he has some great shots of the SCCA weekend May 2nd and 3rd.  Check 'em out.  Here's a sample.

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Mike Rogers is an ace RMVR's corner worker.   In addition to regularly working corners, Mike takes lots of photos, works hard an RMVR worker recruiter, various RMVR promotional events, and taking car of RMVR advertising.  Below is a sample of his HPR photos.   And here's a link to more of his HPR photos

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HPR's first weekend of on-track activity was rudely canceled by Mother Nature - A huge spring snow storm the two days prior.   While the sun began melting things quickly on Sat. & Sun. as these pictures show, there was no way the Preview Days for Major Donors (Sat.) or the first Open Lapping day on Sunday could have been held.  These pictures taken on Sat. the 28th.

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We learned one thing.  Jersey barriers  make a hell of a snow fence! (East end of paddock). The hot pit doesn't .look so hot at the moment. A snow plow truck did a great job of getting snow of the track, but it would be days before the sun could dry the run off areas. Niagara [Falls] lives up to it's name (looking up track) with rivers of snow melt coming down the track.

VALENTINE GRAND PRIX - February 7th, 2009 

The Valentine Gran Prix fundraising event was a huge success and great fun!  Thanks to the generous support of the Motorsports Museum whose fantastic facility (and cars) were the perfect setting for this event.  Also many thanks to the Avenue Grill for food and beverage. We're also grateful to the donors of all the Valentine and car goodies which were very well received by spirited bidders.    

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Upon arrival, each lady was presented with a nice red rose.  Happy Valentines Day! The food and wine, complements of the Avenue Grill, were fantastic and plentiful. Guests were able to socialize and participate in the silent and live auctions until well into the night.  Everything from HPR swag, an HPR Luyendyk poster, car stuff, jewelry, and ladies apparel was available for guest to admire and purchase. 


The Colorado Region of the Colorado Region SCCA (Sports Car Club of America) brought Arie Luyendyk, Sr., two-time Indianapolis 500 champion and internationally renowned race car driver,  to drive High Plains Raceway on January 9th, 2009.  Then that evening, at the wonderful Mathews Collection, they hosted an an Evening With Arie where he entertained the large crowd of donors both individually and collectively when he presented his “First Impressions” of the track  It was a GRAND EVENING.  Importantly, Arie was genuinely impressed with High Plains Raceway, probably getting in a hundred laps while evaluating the track and giving  rides to dignitaries in attendance.     

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Arie enjoying a cocktail before dinner and his presentation at the always fabulous Mathews Collection.  The food, generously donated by Mike Ferguson (Dave's Famous BBQ) was fantastic!!!   A crowd of over 200 then enjoyed comments from Arie. Enhancing the evening were great visuals made possible by Paul Leonard. 

Ground Breaking, Track Parties, Etc.

Friday Aug. 15, 2008 - THE OFFICIAL GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY!!!  The realization of the dream begins  to take shape.  The contracts for construction were awarded and construction begun.  To celebrate, an official ground breaking ceremony was held Aug. 15th.    A big cold front rolled thru the Front Range and couldn't have been more ill-timed.  The rain held off until about 12:30, a half hour before the ceremony, but cold and blowing rain ensued.   It was cold and nasty, to say the least.  But, it still could not dampen the sprits of those who attended.  A red letter day in the history of HPR.  Below left, Glenn Conser (MRA) did a great job organizing the Ground Breaking ceremony providing the tent (Thank goodness!), a PA system,  Champaign, and gold shovels for the dignitaries.  Just a shame the day wasn't nicer.  Below right everyone huddled under the tent trying to stay dry and warm during the brief ceremony. 

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At the left, Rod Bockenfeld (Arapahoe County Commissioner), Gary May (Owner of May Farms) help Bill Howard (RMVR) and Mark Zarlengo (SCCA) handle the golden shovels turning over the ceremonial first dirt.    Middle, Kurt Hansen of Race Central TV interviews Bill Howard (RMVR).   Bill and his firm, Plan West, was  responsible for track design and stewarding  the project thru the  maze of  the entitlement process.  At far right, typical of all attendees, are Kyle Popejoy (MCCA rep, RMVR, and BMW enthusiast) and Jeff Chase (RMVR) -- wet, cold, but very, very happy to see HPR come to fruition.  So in spite of the crumby weather, a good time was had by all.

Sept. 6, 2008 - The SCCA had a great ground breaking party of their own.  They were blessed with MUCH nicer weather than the official ground braking several weeks earlier.  A good time was had by all.

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Sunday Oct. 19th & Oct 26th and Nov. 22nd, 2009 -  HPR hosted open track tour days.  The gate was unlocked and while allowed to park on the new paddock, NO MOTORIZED vehicles were allowed on the track.   Bicycles were welcome.  Of course where there's a race track, there will be races.   Some of the MRA crazies brought shopping carts and raced the suckers down the Bobsled to Hell.  Injuries were minor. 

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